Portfolio company of Climate Investment, founded by the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI).
Leak detection and repair

We reduce fugitive and vented emissions to reach net-zero ambitions.

Leak detection and repair

We reduce fugitive and vented emissions to reach net-zero ambitions.

Consultancy assignments since XX, focus on flare reduction and climate change

Leak detection and repair

We reduce fugitive and vented emissions to reach net-zero ambitions.


According to the Methane Tracker of the International Energy Agency (IEA) leak detection and repair (LDAR) projects account for 30.9% of all technical methane abatement opportunities, many at no net costs.  

They are relatively labour intensive, and each achieve modest gas capture in volumetric terms. Therefore, corporate decision makers would typically not prioritize LDAR activities unless there is a regulatory mandate to do so.

The climate mitigation impacts, however, are significant due to the high global warming potential (GWP) of direct methane emissions. This can also result in a notable revenue boost if developed as carbon credit projects and would hence incentivise such actions.

Key activities for LDAR campaigns:

Shematics of a VRU and assigned monitoring points

Flare reduction options depending on gas volumes

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